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Brand new material, re-worked classics, and the cream of the crop from

the best-selling book, Dear Mr. Fantasy



Two DVDs - three hours of magic



Dead Reckoning.  She mentally spells the name of her card—and there it is! Self-working wizardry.


Dawn Patrol.  The performer “accidentally” shuffles one card between two face-up Queens. Yeah, right.


Doctored Daley.  Presentational judo to knock your spectator off-balance.


Power Of Poker.  One card at a time, she forms two poker hands. He correctly predicts every one of her ten separate decisions.


Counterpunch.  The Dunbury Delusion slams into the Biddle trick. It’s not just a card trick, it’s a con job.


Four Faces North.  Bannon’s “Last Man Standing” leaner and meaner.


Watching The Detectives.   A sandwich trick from the twilight zone.  You won’t see it coming . . .


New Jax.   A highly-engineered, stealth fighter-like transposition. Welcome to the future.


Origami Prediction.  A mathematical drive-by that will fool you as you do it.


The Einstein Overkill.  Einstein didn’t get to see the kicker ending.  He wouldn’t stand a chance.


Bullet Train.  Iconoclastic. Syncopated. Interrobang!? Bannon’s unholy trio of ace assemblies.  


JB Flytrap False Cut.  Cool, tight, and not-too-flourishy.


The Bannon Triumph.  Re-branding Bannon’s classic four-packet Triumph routine. 


John's material is fantastic!
Bill Malone


Mind-boggling, brilliant, commercial and practical. In a word... excellent!.



Great effects, practical methods and intriguing presentations. This is Bannon at his best.

R. Paul Wilson


Advances in our craft are a result of acts of the mind, and John Bannon is, without doubt, one of the best thinkers we have.”

David Regal


These DVD’s are like sessioning with John Bannon. They’re packed with magic for the real world. 

Simon Aronson


Bullets After Dark is a collection of solid, engaging material. This kind of insightful magic makes this DVD set a winner!

 Lance Pierce


Strong, Direct, Magic. Great Stuff.
Wayne Dobson

I can honestly say I loved every trick and each one a real worker.
George McBride


If you've never had the pleasure of a one-on-one late night card session with John Bannon then this is the next best thing. Great card tricks, explicit explanations, and nothing held back.

Raj Madhok


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