Bannon Magic
useless matters ...
practiced by men of low degree

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Close-Up Mentalism For Card Aficionados
216 pages - hardcover - 30 items
No Longer Available

In this new collection, John Bannon highlights effects with “mental” themes, including both mentalism (serious!) and mental magic (not so serious!). John is known for constructing layered, easy-to-do effects with playing cards. These routines are no exception.
Despite this particular focus, Mentalissimo is aimed at mentalists and magicians, amateurs and professionals, who like finely-crafted, practical, and commercial demonstrations of psychic phenomena.
You can expect: Squeaky-clean revelations of truly thought-of cards. Demonstrations of psychic ability that can’t be explained simply as coincidence. Clear, commercial prediction systems. Offbeat treatments of classic mental effects from “Add-a-Number” to “Out of This World.”
They’re here.
Listen to the spirits, and cross to the other side. See what happens when John Bannon puts his mind to it.
This stuff is fun to read, and fun to do.
Max Maven
The more I study card magic and mentalism, the more impressed I am with John Bannon. His "lean and mean" style of construction and execution inspires me. His routines are hard hitting and fun to perform.
Jeff McBride, Las Vegas Headliner
Having a few miracles like the ones you’ll find in Mentalissimo in your repertoire will go far in enhancing your reputation as a mystery worker. Mentalissimo is a fun read with some great effects, and I recommend it.
Michael Close, M-U-M, October 2016
Mentalissimo is a book for people who enjoy card tricks and their methods. It’s almost like having a card session. When it comes to subtle card effects you couldn’t have a more expert guide.
David Britland, Genii Magazine, October 2016